Gift of the Screaming Moon This Gift is only available to Cahalith. Terrorizing Shriek (•) Faced with the sudden and nightmarish presence of the Cahalith, the prey falters and hesitates. Cost: None Action: Reflexive The Cahalith howls upon launching an ambush or entering combat. If she uses this Facet when launching a surprise attack or ambush, she inflicts her Glory as a penalty on the prey’s Wits + Composure roll to respond during the first round. She also inflicts her Glory as a penalty on the Initiative rolls of all prey, whether as part of an ambush or not, and this effect lasts for the duration of the combat. Any prey whose Initiative score is below that of the Cahalith gains the Shaken Condition. Voice of Fear (••) The lash of the Cahalith’s tongue instills fear and madness. Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 scene The Cahalith adds her Glory Renown to all her dice pools for Intimidate. Additionally, she may benefit from one of the following effects once per scene: If she achieves an exceptional success when intimidating prey, she may inflict the Shaken Condition on him. If she successfully intimidates prey suffering the Shaken Condition, she may replace Shaken with the Fugue or Madness Conditions instead. If she successfully intimidates prey suffering the Fugue or Madness Conditions, she may immediately trigger the Fugue effect or force any remaining Madness penalty for the chapter on the next Mental or Social roll he attempts. Mad-Eyed Hunter (•••) Neither desperate flight nor secure hiding place offers the prey any solace from the maddening echoes of the hunter’s howls. This Facet can only be activated when the Cahalith gains the Siskur-Dah Condition. Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: The full duration of Siskur-Dah For the duration of the Facet’s effects, the Cahalith applies her Glory Renown as a penalty to any breaking point dice pools that any prey suffer in her presence, as long as she is taking actions to pursue the Siskur-Dah‘s prey. Prey that succeeds at resisting Lunacy always gains the Shaken Condition, and prey that fails suffers the Madness or Fugue Conditions instead of Atavism, Delusion or Reception. Additionally, non-werewolf prey whose Composure is equal to or less than the Cahalith’s Glory Renown suffer from Lunacy even if they would not normally be subject to it, including spirits, Claimed and other supernatural entities. Nightmare Spiral (••••) The fracture lines of fear and madness spread through the mind, letting the werewolf break or remake her prey as she sees fit. Cost: 2 Essence Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Glory vs. Composure + Primal Urge Action: Instant The Cahalith may use Nightmare Spiral against any prey she can perceive. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Cahalith immediately gains the Madness Condition. Failure: The Facet has no effect. Success: If the prey has failed a breaking point since the last time the gibbous moon rose, he immediately fails another breaking point. For a werewolf, this breaking point is towards Spirit or Flesh as per the last breaking point he suffered. A victim can only suffer this effect of Nightmare Spiral once per month. Nightmare Spiral has two additional effects that can be used more freely, depending on the state of the prey: If the prey has the Madness Condition, the werewolf may immediately replace it with the Amnesia Condition. If the prey has the Fugue Condition, the Cahalith may immediately trigger the fugue, and furthermore may send forth her own mind to ride the victim until the sun next rises. She may immerse her senses into those of the prey and may let him take his own course, or can directly seize control. While riding the prey, she cannot perceive with her own senses and seems to be in a state of deep sleep. Ending the Facet is an instant action and returns her consciousness to her own body. Should the prey be killed while the werewolf is riding, she is ejected back to her own body and immediately fails a breaking point towards Spirit. Should the Uratha be slain while she is riding, a fragment of her spirit becomes subsumed into the prey. This may create a unique Claimed, or she may end up as an imprisoned personality only rising to the surface when the victim suffers the fugue state. Exceptional Success: The Cahalith also gains the Inspired Condition. Soul Shriek (•••••) The Cahalith unleashes a banshee scream of raw, primal madness. Cost: 3 Essence Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidate + Glory vs. Composure + Primal Urge Action: Instant Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Cahalith gains the Stunned Tilt. Failure: The Facet fails. Success: Any werewolf or spirit prey who hears the howl and fails to roll as many successes as the Cahalith is struck with the Essence Overload Condition. Other prey who fails to roll as many successes as the Cahalith suffers the Soulless Condition as his soul tears free from his body. Souls taken in this way are in the werewolf’s possession, appearing about her person as floating spirit-lanterns or shards of light that are visible when she flares her Renown or is in the Shadow. The Cahalith’s death or her willing agreement will restore the lost soul. Exceptional Success: Prey suffers the Enervated Condition rather than the Soulless Condition. Gift of Cities City Eyes (Cunning) The city has its own worn face of stone, steel and glass, through which the werewolf peers. Cost: 1 Essence Action: Instant Duration: 1 scene The werewolf touches a single building or structure and transfers her senses into it. For the duration of the effect, as long as she is touching the building, she can project her senses through any of the structure’s windows or other apertures, both inwards and outwards. She can project through up to her Cunning in windows at a given time, which may be anywhere on the building; as such, the werewolf could well be able to survey several different areas at the same time. She can immediately sense whether any person she sees is an inhabitant of the building or an intruder, and adds her Cunning to Empathy dice pools targeting inhabitants and to perception dice pools targeting intruders. Riot (Glory) The werewolf’s howl sets the human hive abuzz. Cost: 5 Essence Action: Instant Duration: Hours equal to Glory Renown Once this Facet is used, a riot will spontaneously start within 100 yards of the werewolf’s current position as long as there are enough humans available to form one. A number of humans will find themselves drawn together and will begin the riot based on a seemingly natural trigger – someone’s anger will flare up about an injustice, seeing a representative of an authority that he resents or the surfacing of his Vice. The riot will rapidly snowball in size and rage across the area for its duration, likely causing significant destruction and disruption. Being caught up in the riot will seem natural for those involved, but this Facet offers no control or influence over the direction or purpose of the riot; it merely ensures that the riot will happen, and that it will be destructive and fierce. Faceless Crowd (Honor) Though surrounded by his fellows, the prey finds no solace – only loneliness and despair. Cost: 1 Essence Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge + Cunning – prey’s Composure Action: Instant The werewolf may use Faceless Crowd against any prey she can perceive who is in a crowded area. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The werewolf gains the Ban Condition. She must wear as featureless a mask as she can acquire for the Condition’s duration. Failure: The Facet does not take effect. Success: For the duration of the scene, the prey dramatically fails any attempt to interact with human crowds, groups, or passers-by, as well as any solitary humans who do not already know him. Usually this dramatic failure will take the form of simply being ignored, as if he doesn’t exist, unless being noticed would actually be worse (such as if he were committing a crime, or picked someone who will react violently to his attention). Cries for help and pleas for aid go unheeded. Running, bloodied, down a street with several Hishu Uratha on his tail provokes no more than a brief glance. Drivers literally don’t see him until the last moment. Explicitly supernatural displays will trigger the crowd to notice what is going on, as will Lunacy, and those affected by Faceless Crowd will remember any other participants after the fact if prompted (such as the appearance of the Hishu who were on the victim’s trail). Exceptional Success: The prey additionally suffers the werewolf’s Honor Renown as a penalty to rolls to call upon Allies, Contacts and Retainers during the scene. Urban Predator (Purity) The primal wolf has little to fear from the grinding gears of the city. Cost: None Duration: Permanent The werewolf reduces all damage dealt to her by collapsing buildings, moving vehicles, falling (as long as it is onto a structure or onto a constructed surface like a pavement or road), electrical discharges from power lines or faulty equipment, and other urban dangers by her Purity Renown. A collapsing building will never damage her last remaining point of health. This Facet does nothing to protect against actual weapons. Carve the City’s Flesh (Wisdom) The Uratha’s talons split apart the very meat and bones of the city. Cost: 2 Essence Action: Instant Duration: Until the next sunrise or sunset Gift of Essence Marrow Eater (Cunning) The hungry wolf makes the most of his every meal. Cost: None Duration: Permanent The werewolf gains twice the normal amount of Essence from consuming human or wolf flesh. Essence Surge (Glory) This Facet grants the Uratha the strength to cross between worlds in the blink of an eye. Cost: 1 Essence Action: Reflexive By using this Facet when Reaching across the Gauntlet, the werewolf may add his Glory to the dice pool for crossing over and, if successful, transitions instantly across. On an exceptional success, he regains the point of Essence spent to activate Essence Surge. River of Essence (Honor) With this Facet, the werewolf may offer his packmates the very Essence of his being. Cost: None Action: Instant By touching a packmate and using this Facet, the werewolf may transfer Essence at a rate of 1 point per turn. He may offer a maximum of Essence points equal to his Honor Renown each day in this way. Attempting to use River of Essence on a packmate without an Essence pool causes the Facet to fail. Primeval Echo (Purity) This Facet amplifies the echo of Urfarah within the werewolf’s spirit, letting him draw deeper upon his ancestral power. Cost: None Duration: Permanent The werewolf adds his Purity Renown to the maximum size of his Essence pool. Essence Sight (Wisdom) The Uratha with this Facet can gaze into the channels of Essence that gouge through another being, and tell just how greatly her spiritual strength waxes or wanes. Cost: 1 Essence Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Wisdom – prey’s Composure Action: Reflexive The werewolf may use Essence Sight against any prey that she can see. Roll Results Dramatic Failure: The Facet fails and the Uratha expends an additional point of Essence, which literally bleeds out of his eyes as visible, oozing ephemera before it evaporates. Failure: The Facet fails to take effect. Success: The werewolf can immediately tell how much Essence the prey has in her Essence pool. If she has no Essence pool, he merely receives the knowledge that she is at 0 Essence. Exceptional Success: The werewolf regains the point of Essence spent to activate this Gift.